Lenten Devotion - March 31, 2025

Monday, March 31, 2025 Scripture: Luke 15:8–10 (The Lost Coin) Devotion: A woman loses one of her ten silver coins. She lights a lamp, sweeps the house, and searches carefully until she finds it. When she does, she calls her neighbors and rejoices. Jesus is saying: you are worth the search. God doesn't give up when we feel spiritually misplaced. Instead, God illuminates the dark corners, lifts the rugs, and patiently seeks us—until we're found. There are times we may feel like a coin—valuable, but forgotten in a dark corner. The good news is that God is not indifferent to our silence or suffering. God shines light into our hidden spaces and never stops until we’re restored. Action Steps: Light a candle and sit in stillness. Invite God’s presence into any “dark corners” in your heart. Consider a space in your life that needs clarity or healing. Name it and write a prayer. Look for someone who is usually overlooked and offer a kind w...